Happy Monday!
Here is your weekly dose of positive Climate and Biodiversity news to help motivate you and get your week off to a great start.
It's time to balance out all the “doom and gloom” news we often hear and add some positivity to our lives. 🙌

Picture via The Behren’s silverspot butterfly. United States Fish and Wildlife Service
"Hundreds of rare, blazing orange butterflies are slated to be released in Northern California over the next two years, marking a victory for conservationists working tirelessly to restore them across the region."
Read the full article on SFGate.
Image credit Euronews Green
"Around 1 per cent of the ocean beyond countries’ maritime borders is currently protected. Chile and Palau have become the first two countries to ratify a landmark UN treaty for the protection of the high seas."
Read the full article in Euronews Green.
Photograph via BBC
"Four new emperor penguin colonies have been identified in Antarctica from satellite imagery. It brings the number of known nesting sites around the White Continent to 66. With the discoveries, scientists believe they now know the whereabouts of all the world's remaining breeding pairs."
Read the full article on BBC News.
Image via ©Galápagos Conservancy
"The Galapagos Conservancy successfully airlifted 136 juvenile tortoises to the volcanic terrain on Isabela Island, their only natural habitat on Earth. The giant Galápagos tortoises between the ages of 5 and 9 years were hatched and raised at the Breeding and Rearing Center on the island, where dedicated park rangers ensured their well-being and development from birth."
Read the full article on Good News Network.

Image via The Guardian (Ami Vitale)
"The critically endangered northern white rhino could be saved from the brink of extinction after scientists performed the first successful embryo transfer in white rhinos."
Read the full article in The Guardian.
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